It’s up to you to understand who you can cover under your medical, dental, vision, and other benefits. Be sure to review the information below before you enroll in coverage.
For certain benefits, you may also enroll your eligible family members.
Eligible family members include:
- Your spouse or partner. Note: If you’re divorced and have a divorce decree that requires you to provide coverage for your ex spouse, that person is not eligible to be covered through the RELX plans.
- For medical coverage only, you may cover your own and/or your spouse’s or partner’s children up to age 26. Coverage is offered regardless of the dependent’s student, mental or employment status; regardless of whether the employee’s home is the dependent’s principal residence; and regardless of whether the dependent has coverage available through his/her own employer. If you cover a partner, you may be subject to imputed income adjustments to comply with IRS tax rules.
- For all other coverage, you may cover your own and/or your spouse’s or partner’s unmarried dependent children up until the end of the month they turn age 19, or up to age 23 if they are full-time students. Note: Some insurance carriers may ask for proof of student status.
- Your own and/or your spouse’s or partner’s unmarried children of any age who are primarily supported by you and incapable of self-support because of a mental or physical disability that began before age 19 (or 26 for medical coverage). You must provide the appropriate carrier proof of the disability within 30 days if enrolling your child as a disabled dependent (note this does not apply to all plans).